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Keep flies outside

Keep flies outside

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

In joking, the Australian salute or greeting is a wave of a hand in front of ones face. Why? Flies of course! They serve an important role in our eco system but are annoying and we generally don’t want them in the house. As Paarhammer windows open to the inside, we often get asked “what about a flyscreen?” The answer is easy - the flyscreen is fitted to the outside of the window or door. Depending on the product range, Paarhammer removable flyscreens are either made with a timber frame in the same colour as the outside of the window
Home Security

Home Security

Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Security is very important, especially in your own home. Paarhammer entrance doors feature concealed multi-point locks with pin-bolts and hook-bolts, and our energy efficient windows offer optimal security by using multi-point metal-to-metal locking. Household burglary is one of the most widespread crimes in Australia. In some areas statistics mention a burglary rate as high as 1 in 11 households, while in other areas it is 1 in 27 or 35. The tendency is rising in most areas. Crime statistics agency data shows that home invasions are up by 40%, with the majority of burglaries taking place when no one is
Inner City Living

Inner City Living

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

In the last 15 to 20 years the shift to living in the centre of the city or in the inner suburbs became as strong as the shift to the edge of the city to live in a house on a quarter acre block had been in the 1950s and 60s. The reversal has been driven primarily by the desire to live a more exciting, cosmopolitan lifestyle and the convenience of living close to work. Many single or sometimes double fronted older style houses are being renovated to reflect modern day living. Some of the disadvantages to overcome are traffic
Award for ECO-Facade

Award for ECO-Facade

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Featured at Designbuild 2014, the Eco Façade by Paarhammer wins the Selector Best New Product Award 2014, sponsored by Selector and Architectural Product News, and Designbuild. The award encourages innovation, development and improvement of products for use in architectural projects, and the product must have been released to the Australian market during the 12 months prior to Designbuild 2014. The judges for 2014 include Clare Cousins, founding director of Clare Cousins Architects; Jeremy McLeod, founding director of Breathe Architecture; and Nick Deans, project professional at Woods Bagot. The energy efficient and sustainable glass façade, with a low U-value from 0.8,
First Impression: Entrance Doors

First Impression: Entrance Doors

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Your entrance door is like your business card: when visitors come to your home the entrance door will give a first impression. In today’s market there are many designs available from modern to traditional, from blending in to making a statement. The design should suit the house so that ‘curb appeal’ works as a whole and makes your home inviting. But your entrance door should not only look good but work well. After choosing the right design, sealing and security are the main issues for front doors. Seals equal no drafts Sealing well could mean that your door is double
Burglaries - protect what's dear to you

Burglaries - protect what's dear to you

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

During 2012/13 there have been 28,915 residential burglaries in Victoria alone with 2,716 of aggravated burglaries. (Source: Victoria Police Crime Statistics, 28 Aug 2013) 15 seconds – that’s how long a professional burglar needs on average to get through a door or window into a house. The consequences of a burglary are high financial damage of all sorts: next to the stolen goods which have to be replaced, often burglars leave behind wilfully damage and damage to property which might need costly repairs. Also emotionally burglaries can be damaging, especially the lost feeling of security and missing personal items are
Glass Matters Explained

Glass Matters Explained

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Glass is an important factor for the performance of windows and doors. Here are some terms and explanations and how glass can be used: Annealed Glass the common flat glass often used in double glazing. It tends to break into large jagged shards. Toughened Glass annealed glass is heated to above 600 °C and the surface then rapidly cooled, resulting in increased resistance to breakage. If it does break it breaks into small regular, mostly square fragments. Laminated glass this is made of two or more layers of glass with an interlayer bonded in between, providing safety and security. In
Are your windows child safe?

Are your windows child safe?

Monday, February 18, 2013

The Children’s Hospital at Westmead in NSW reported that from 1998 to 2011 there have been 113 young children admitted after falling from windows. To reduce such incidents the National Construction Code now requires window barriers to openable windows where the sill is less than 1.7m above floor level and the floor below the window is more than 2m above the surface beneath, effective from May 2013. These new rules apply for all windows in early childhood centres and in habitable rooms in residential buildings. Windows are to be either fitted with a screen or have the window opening limited