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Energy Efficiency
With up to 40% of a home’s heating energy lost and up to 87% of its heat gained through windows*, improving their thermal performance reduces energy
costs and Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions. Careful window selection and placement is also rightly viewed as a means of reducing demand
for artificial light and climate control.
The lower the U-value, the better the window. Paarhammer U-values start from a very low 0.8 WERS (Window Energy Rating Scheme).
Windows and doors are rated as a whole, meaning glass and frame together. High performance glazing is not very effective if the window and door frames leak and create
a draft. Proper installation is also an important consideration.
Paarhammer products feature up to 7 1/2 Energy Stars, meaning that you can save up to 85% of energy in addition to enjoying a very comfortable
indoor climate in your home or at your work place. For a list of tested Paarhammer products and to see their individual energy ratings please
visit the WERS website. Paarhammer U-values start from a very low 0.8.
*Source: Your Home
Video 1: High Level Energy Efficiency provides information on what is driving the requirement for energy efficiency, including the 2015 Paris Agreement; general energy policy; aims for future energy targets and compliance with the National Construction Code and state and territory specific regulations.
Video 2: The science of energy and energy efficiency investigates the science of energy and energy efficiency and includes information on the factors that affect energy requirements including in depth information on the physics behind window performance U-Values (comparison to R-values); Solar Heat Gain Co-efficient; low-E coatings; double glazing and triple glazing; effect of location and orientation on energy; shading and more.
Video 3: Selecting the right glazing for comfort helps builders, designers and consumers address the factors that need to be considered for the appropriate selection and use of windows and glass in new buildings, retrofits and renovations. The emphasis is on taking maximum advantage of the technology currently available to maximise comfort levels of your building.