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Residential Scorecard for Victoria
The Victorian Government has been moving ahead with the development of a Residential Efficiency
Scorecard (the Scorecard). While the Scorecard is targeted at existing homes, it can also be used to assess new homes. The Scorecard is a web based tool
that will enable a trained assessor to identify and record information about the fabric of a home (including fixed appliances) where it affects the energy
or hot weather performance. The Scorecard tool will then produce a rating for the home, a hot weather rating, rate individual home features and provide
recommendations on upgrade options.
The Scorecard is currently being trialled and will be released in 2017. This will be the first purpose-designed home assessment of its kind in Australia.
Using robust data and calculations, the Scorecard will be an effective way for householders to understand, compare and improve the comfort of their home,
and save on energy costs. It will include a new feature - assessing how a home performs in a heatwave.
This, along with changes to the NCC, BASIX, and Voluntary Disclosure schemes, mean that the next few years are shaping up to see some major steps forward
in energy efficiency and will drive the demand for high performance glazing systems.
Article courtesy of AWA - Australian Windows Association